


Hi, I‘m Gabrielle!

welcome to my little space on the internet, it’s nice to meet you :)


about me

I’m an undergrad at UC Berkeley studying Nutritional Sciences and Business Administration. I’m passionate about holistically examining biological, social, and environmental affects on wellbeing to improve the quality of children’s healthcare worldwide.

I’ve been lucky enough to connect with many different people during my time at Berkeley. From guiding students in STAT20 for 5 semesters, mentoring underclassmen friends in “Adulting 101”, to teaching culinary skills at East Asian Culinary Club, I’ve grown fond of learning about the experiences that drive and shape people to be the person they are today.

When I’m not out and about, you will probably find me working on some latest project at the ceramics studio, cafe-hopping to find the best matchas, or documenting some kitchen creation on my food Instagram (@foodgrabswithgab).

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to drop me a message :)


Developing my ceramics portfolio

Red Panda Pottery

pre-pandemic, i didn’t have much of my work photographed and lost many pieces to the void of covid-instruction and moving states. since returning to the art, i’ve been building a website to document my experiences and work as a permanent internet showcase and archive for future me to look back on.


with help from the UGBA 198 class: Introduction to Content Creation

as someone who loves to share new places, products, and tips with friends, i’ve been trying my hand making some user-generated content for some of my favourite brands and services. i’ve always wanted to try out being a content creator, and was deeply inspired by the class i took at the Haas Business School at berkeley with Serena Ong and Samantha Chang.

Documenting New Recipes and Kitchen Adventures


before college, i didn’t really have much culinary experience, despite my ever-strong love for food. starting college in an apartment with no meal plan was a jumpstart for learning how to take care of my midnight munchies and teaching others how to do the same ;-)

link tbd

Researching lipid metabolism and hormonal changes in women

with mentorship and guidance from Professor Ashley Reaver

on my quest to understand how life circumstance and age affects the human biology, i’m researching lipid metabolism in women and the effects of hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause for my honours thesis. my literature review will help Professor Reaver with her work on medication-free strategies for lowering high-cholesterol.



Studying social behavior under Stress

Beery Lab Research Assistant

with the amazing Kelley Powers at the Beery Lab, i conducted a series of behavioral testing using meadow voles to determine cortisol output and effects during high stress situations. besides getting to work with some of the cutest little animals, i learned a lot about the peculiar neurobiology of one of the only rodents who exhibit seasonal sociality. the project is still in progress, but unfortunately i’ll be moving on to work on a different project (mentioned above) for the next year.


Vaccinating and Treating Pets for Low-Income Families

Paw Fund Clinic

at first, i didn’t think i’d be allowed to handle any medication as a volunteer, but the Paw Fund Clinic vets were such awesome teachers that I was trained to vaccinate and provide routine check-ups of cats and dogs in just a few clinic sessions. this was by far one of my most treasured experiences, as it taught me a lot about not only the biology of my own kitten, but crucial education and service skills for working with owners on plans to keep up with health standards and their pets’ conditions